Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Beast called Yeast

I already tried an over-the-counter medication, but NO, that wasn't strong enough. So here come the antibiotics and antifungal creams. And no sex for 9 days. And icky, sticky, gooey messes. And no sex for 9 days. And itching and burning. And did I mention I can't have sex for 9 days?!


Team Covey said...

Rachel - I just have one thing to say to you. Get creative :) Great advice to the newlyweds, by the way. Can I just say how much I love you? I do.

Unknown said...

Your poor vagina and the likes. You always have some sort of an issue. Use a condom and a lot of these problems will be avoided :) I'm sorry. Is it sad that 9 days wouldn't phase me...?

edith said...

I love reading both of your blogs!

Landon said...

been there, done that (like 2 weeks ago). it blows. i'm sorry. :P yeast infections suck.