Thursday, March 26, 2009

PetSmart People

Yesterday I spent 2 hours at PetSmart to take my little sister's dog to the vet. Not only was it a complete culture shock for me, but I decided that I will absolutely never own a pet. Here are all the reasons why.

1. Pet lovers are complete weirdos. They let stranger dogs lick their face, they pet everyone, and they compliment you on your DOG.
2. PetSmart smells like piss and dirty. They have "clean-up stations" at the end of every row so you can wipe up when your dog pisses on the shampoos or takes a shit in the middle of the isle.
3. It cost $92 to get Hunter's check up. Think of how expensive pets are with the initial purchasing costs, vaccinations, training, food, cleaning/grooming, check-ups, prescriptions, etc. UGH.
4. Animals are filthy. They shed, piss/poop, roll in things, get worms and ticks, have dingle berries, lick their own privates then lick your hands and face, and bark. I only know a few people that keep their houses "clean" (to my crazy standards) and that would be ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE with a pet in the house.

Thanks for letting me vent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ewww gross. I would like you to come inspect my house to see if it is up to the "rachel standard" please.