Friday, January 8, 2010

Please Explain This To Me:

Why the fuck does everyone think it's okay to give other people's kids candy?? Seriously, what the fuck!?! This doesn't make any sense to me. Do people just assume that all little kids live for sugar? Do they assume no kids have allergies? Do people even stop to ask the kid's MOM if it's okay? No. They pull out a piece of candy and say, "Look what I have for you...CANDY!" Now the kid has heard it, seen it, wants it, and I am now the bad guy for saying no. People are shocked, think I'm strict or mean. Well FUCK YOU. I'm sorry that I care if Lily is handed candy left and right. It's not halloween bitches, so stop it already. Use your brain a little and first, ask me in a discreet manner. Actually, forget that. Just shut up and mind your own fucking business and leave little kids alone.

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