Friday, November 21, 2008

Damn You, Proposition 8!

Okay, everyone is taking a moment to blog seriously about Prop 8, so I would like to take time out of my day to do just the opposite.

Last night Dan and JP went to the gas station to get treats, and TWICE they were asked the question, "Are you together?" The first time they laughed and said no, but the second time Dan said, "We would be if Utah would pass prop 8!!"

So why doesn't everyone just pull the sticks out of their recently-become political asses and hug a homo.

Oh, and if you're still wondering if Dan and JP are really gay, take a look at the photo below and decide for yourself.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I say yes!! They are and isn't that cute?? That is so funny that people asked if they were together. Holding hands must have given it away...