Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Poetry. Seriously.

By Yours Truly. (And some people think a high school diploma don't teach you nothin.)

Autumn comes but once a year,
It makes me want to shout!
But if you blink you'll miss it all
And what it's really about.

Crunching leaves beneath my feet,
The wind that blows your hair.
The late mornings and early nights,
And colors everywhere.

But what pisses me off and makes me mad
More than lots other things
Is the fact that summer was just barely here
And soon snow the winter will bring.

Can't I just relax and enjoy a fresh fall day
Without knowing it might be my last?
Can't the winter just wait for a bit
And hide it's freezing cold ass?

So here's to you, Autumn, your life is too short.
I wish you could stay for a time.
I'll get ready for winter, who seems in a rush
And promise no longer to rhyme.

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