Saturday, December 20, 2008

Tagging Myself

I saw Katie got tagged on her cute blog, so I decided to tag myself. (Pathetic, I know)

I am: Exhausted.
I think: The most random things.
I know: A lot more than everyone else I have ever met.
I want: A new car. A new apartment. Some "Rach time."
I have: A yeast infection (surprise, surprise)
I dislike: People being extra-friendly to strangers during Christmas time.
I miss: Ali.
I fear: Death by drowning.
I feel: Complacent.
I hear: Hello Goodbye. (They're a band)
I smell: Ammonia.
I crave: Chocolate.
I cry: Daily.
I search: Ponder and Pray. <-lie
I wonder: Why?
I regret: Chris Thompson.
I wish: I lived in Boston or NYC.
I love: Dan and Lily and Diet Cola.
I care: About people I know.
I always: Clean my house.
I worry: About Lily picking up my bad habits.
I am not: Skinny.
I remember: When I used to be.
I believe: In ghosts.
I sing: Horribly off-key.
I don't: Fake being nice to fat people.
I argue: With most everyone.
I write: via typing.
I win: Free redbox codes.
I lose: Battleship!
I listen: to the radio.
I don't understand: Why so many people are having babies.
I can usually be found: At home!
I need: Money. And 10 extra hours per day.
I forget: Everything I learned in my one semester of college.
I am happy: When I find time to not be pissed off.
I tag: Landon, cause you are so dang cute.


Celeste said...

You can too sing--Miss Choir girl at AHS.

Unknown said...

You are so skinny, don't argue with me on that.

P.S. I love your vintage Christmas pic in your card. It is PERFECT!!!